Best Price Anytime Tools Engine CLEANING Gun SOLVENT AIR Pressure Washer Sprayer Review

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Anytime Tools Engine CLEANING Gun SOLVENT AIR Pressure Washer Sprayer Overview

Hook up your air compressor, drop the 72" feed tube into a bottle of solvent and blast the dirt and road grime off your engine. The included solvent filter is made of solid metal to help keep the feed tube submerged. Can be used with a wide variety of solvents and degreasers.


  • Fitting for 1/4in NPT. air line
  • 1/4in. O.D. Chemical Hose Barb Fitting
  • Chemical Hose: 7/32in. I.D. x 6 ft. Long
  • Sprays kerosene, soap & other solvents under high pressure

Cheap Anytime Tools Engine CLEANING Gun SOLVENT AIR Pressure Washer Sprayer

Anytime Tools Engine CLEANING Gun SOLVENT AIR Pressure Washer Sprayer

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Anytime Tools Engine CLEANING Gun SOLVENT AIR Pressure Washer Sprayer