Hot Deals Iso-Tip 7975 Micro-Therm Flameless Heat Gun Review

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Iso-Tip 7975 Micro-Therm Flameless Heat Gun Overview

Micro-Therm is a butane powered flameless heat gun. Applications include: general heating and drying, activating adhesives and potting compounds, bending and forming plastics and plastic laminates, bending PVC, freheating flux, removing windshield caulking, installing heat shrink tubing without a flame, installing heat shrink and solder-filled connectors flamelessly, manipulating molded plastic parts, stretching and repairing vinyl and thawing frozen locks.

Cheap Iso-Tip 7975 Micro-Therm Flameless Heat Gun

Iso-Tip 7975 Micro-Therm Flameless Heat Gun

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Iso-Tip 7975 Micro-Therm Flameless Heat Gun